Friday 1 November 2013

What is Spiritism?

Spiritism is defined as the school of life. It came from the two words “spiro” meaning breath, spirit or life, and “ism” which means concept, theory, study o school.

The term Spiritism was first used by Allan Kardec (Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail) in the book “The Spirits’ Book

He used the word Spiritism to differentiate it from Spiritualism which is already being used by those believing in life after death.

Spiritism is a vast aspect of the consciousness, a school of thought dealing with life in accordance with science, philosophy and religion.

It is a science because it investigates and classifies the truth and manifestations brought by the spiritual status of life.

It is a philosophy because it studies the laws of nature regarding people, whether seen or unseen.

It is a religion because it understands the unity of all people and all things created by God.

Is there a difference between Spiritism and the Unión Espiritista Cristiana de Filipinas, Incorporada (UECFI)?

Yes, there is. UECFI is an organization founded in February 19, 1905 but was only officially registered in the Bureau of Commerce in January 23, 1909.

The maxim of UECFI is "Hacia Dios por la Ciencia y el Amor" or Towards God through Science and Love. With its doctrine as "Sin Caridad no hay Salvación Posible" or Without Charity there is no Salvation. With it comes another saying "Guerra la Ignorancia y el Fanatismo" or Battle against Ignorance and Fanaticism.

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